Abigails Court

Abigail's Court(41 & Above)

Abigails Court is a group of women of great beauty and wisdom that the Lord can use to build and edify the church. These are mature God-fearing women with whose main mandate is to pray and be the spiritual gatekeeper for all women in the church but also the church in general

These are women who made Jesus their Lord and master, seek the face of God and spend time in His presence. They love the Lord and their main focus is to serve and please the master. Their inspiration is Abigail who was Nabals wife 1 Samuel 25:1-42. She was a woman of great wisdom who protected and saved her husband, their tribesmen and employees because of her wisdom. Her husband was rich but harsh, unwise, mean and chose conflict and upheaval instead of peace. There would have been a war between them and David’s men. Abigail rushed in and brokered peace between the two parties. She showed respect appreciation for David and his men who had helped them and spoke on behalf of the husband and family with great wisdom.

The main interest and focus is prayer for one another, prayer for families, prayer for the church and prayer for the community we live in and the work that the church is doing in the community. Every opportunity we take opportunity to pray for every petition. Women are encouraged to share their prayer needs as well

Abigail women are at the stage in their lives with time to focus on themselves and God. Some of them have raised children and looked after families, they have been in employment and sought after careers. They have trusted God who has seen them through thick and thin. Through sicknesses through loss through grief through lack through a lot of hardship. God has seen them through a lot of hardship and through good times as well. They have seen His provision His presence His joy His friendship His fellowship his healing, His direction. Through it all they have learned to depend on God on his power on his ability to save of his ability to carry them through life challenges.

What they have seen of God they are willing to share with their peers and younger people to encourage them to trust and walk with God

Like Ruth, Abigails are fully committed to God and are loyal to the kingdom of God.

‘Entreat me not to leave you or to turn back from following after you for wherever you go I will go my people will be my people and your God my God’ Ruth 1:16-18

These are women who are committed to Grace Chapel vision and are willing to serve the Lord in any way they can

Women who use the scripture and allow the word of God to inform their lives. We study the word daily in our closets and we rely on the word of God for daily living. We rely on the word of God to continue us how to live as women. This year we have been studying the Influential women of the Bible to influence and teach us how to live for Christ and be influential and relevant to the body of Christ and we study a different woman every month we have so far studied

  • Ruth—who committed to Naomi despite the odds
  • Lois and Eunice 2Tim1:5 women of sincere faith who influenced Timothy and Timothy was instrumental in supporting Pauls ministry to the gentiles
  • Lydia…Acts 16:13-15 who got converted after Pauls preaching was a worshipper got baptised and opened her home to Paul and those with him